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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ekkamai Bus Terminal - along Sukhumvit Road

EKKAMAI bus terminal at Bangkok city

The trip from Suvarnabhumi Airport to EKKAMAI bus terminal (Eastern bus terminal) took us about an hour, since the route took us into bangkok city during lunch period.  However, the entire journey was comfortable and it did give us a 'tour' of the busiest part of the city.
EKKAMAI is modern and systematic in how they operate - tourists there for the first time, need not concern themselves about the language barrier at the ticketing counters, since Thais generally do speak and understand a more than 'smattering' of the English Language.
Around EKKAMAI bus terminal, are food outlets - you do get a choice i.e. shophouse run food establishments and 'hawker' fare.  There is a 7-eleven outlet just 50m from the main building of the bus terminal, making it easy for anyone to pick up light snacks for the long trip to the province; although the bus providers distribute buns and bottled water free to each passenger.
Buses from EKKAMAI run at more frequent intervals to Rayong, which was why we chose to explore this route.

Picture taken as bus to Rayong was leaving the terminal
Ekkamai can also be assessed via BTS Skytrain.

After travelling in an air-conditioned coach with toilet facilities for about 3 hours, we arrived at NUANTIP PIER in Ban Phe, Rayong.  There is an internet cafe, where the wireless facility is excellent and it serves a good cup of expresso/cappuccino and a generous assortment of cakes. From here, we are less than an hour's drive from the Villa House.

You may catch a ferry to KOH SAMET from this pier.  This is one of the many piers available

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