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Property Development Consultants. Clean Energy Solutions.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Why Invest in Rayong?

This is for the purpose of information only
Why Invest in Rayong?
For starters, according to Longman, Investment means the use of money to make a profit or to make a business successful. 
Currrently, the GDP of this province is higher than even Bangkok, the capital of Thailand where property prices are way higher than in Rayong.  In fact, Rayong is returning the highest GDP in Thailand, because it does not just support the country's economy in terms of agriculture or farming and business, but it also has  beaches which draws select tourist dollars at least for half of a calendar year.

Rayong is home to car manufacturers like BMW which produces at least 6000 car units per year from their Rayong site.

GM is in the final construction stages of their diesel plant in Rayong consuming some $100M worth of locally produced parts.  In the first half of 2010, General Motors, saw an increase of 41% in the region's sales to 1.18 million units.

Lyondell Basell, the worlds' 3rd largest independent plastics, chemical and refining company, is located in Rayong.  It's annual revenue has been reported to be $30.8billion (2009 figures).

In July 2010, it was announced that China will be providing the investment and technology to build a high speed railway system from Bangkok to Rayong.

There are international schools supporting expatriate families based in Rayong like the Garden International School, which is located at nearby Ban Chang with boarding facilities.

In order to make an investment work, one has to understand what supports the economy and how that provides all businesses room for growth.  There are no quick returns' scheme for an economy so diverse and a town that is 2 hours away from the capital but as with all good investments, the possibility is there only when the entry is at the correct time.
Growth of investment in Rayong is a little like tending to a sapling - the property managers shall do the farming and the tree will bear fruit when matured.

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