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Property Development Consultants. Clean Energy Solutions.

Friday, September 10, 2010

One of the many Beaches at Rayong

This beach is part of a stretch of beaches on Rayong coast along Mae Phim Road.
During the monsoon season, rain falls in the early mornings and evenings which makes the beach front a sight to behold.  When this picture was taken, rain was a light drizzle and there were sampans out in the sea netting shrimps.  The waves were gently rolling in and the breeze just strong enough be refreshing yet light enough not for it to be cold.
Rayong is still very much a beach haven, where one may walk barefoot and feel your toes sinking into the fine grains of sand.  Tiny hermit crabs made their homes a scattering on the beach.

Food and drink stalls are set up alongside the road and beach, making it accessible to passing visitors and beach goers.  Mature trees make decent shelter from the sun and rain and contribute to the serenity of the surroundings.

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