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Sunday, October 31, 2010


This is one of the more popular temple in Rayong, seated on a hilltop.  We visited this temple on the way to Koh Chang, which seemed like it was almost halfway towards the Cambodian border. Being far from Rayong city, we did not expect a huge crowd, but visitors were streaming in continuously.

When we arrived at the base of the temple grounds, we were greeted by the many effigy of Buddha lined up along the car parking area.

Many Buddha effigies 

The entrance to Wat Khao Sukim was like most temples - Grand - but what we found most impressive was the ride up to the main halls and sanctums.  A tram, on what we thought to be using a pulley system, took us up and the track was flanked by statues of the mythical dragon.

view from an ascending tram
There is no entrance fee for visitors to pay as this is a place of worship although it has halls, showcasing many Buddhist artifacts and could almost function as any world-class museum.  The surrounding was not just serene, but breathtaking, offering us a view of the lush greenery and clean air, that Rayong boasts.

One of the many spacious halls there
Another section of a hall
Almost like Madam Tussaud

an idea of the view from the Top
The main entrance to Wat Khao Sukim

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