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Property Development Consultants. Clean Energy Solutions.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ray Carribean Villa ONE

Bedframe Type
Ray Carribean Villa One is located 5 minutes (by shuttle bus provided) to the nearest beach.  Vacation guests can expect a Villa house, with modern furnishing.

Wardrobe with sliding door function
These Villa Houses are ideal for families or groups of friends, who prefer a 'free n easy' vacation, yet also having optional housekeeping services for guests to engage.
Not a canal but a water feature
There will be 21 units of the VILLA HOUSE on 130,000 sq ft of land, allowing residents to enjoy the openness of the entire development with shared facilities like;

  • good-sized swimming pool
  • gym
  • multi-purpose room with pool table
  • common bbq pits for poolside gatherings
  • Management Office (for booking of facilities & services, housekeeping, maintenance)

Ray Carribean Villa ONE is located parallel to the beach front hotels and guest houses allowing for residents to have easy access to the beach, without the interruption of the hustle and bustle of activity when taking respite in the Villa House.

The nearest beach to the Villa House

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